Spark LIVE is where I share some of the best tools and strategies to help you ride the waves in life.
This week we’re working on work. Catch your breath Friday and then join us for a Saturday refresh that will help you figure out what’s standing in the way of what you want at work. If you feel like you have plateaued, like you’re doing it all with one hand tied behind your back, if you catch yourself saying things like, “I’m just trying to keep my head above water” and you just rinse repeat all week long, this free workshop is for you. It’s also for those of you who have been waiting for that raise and promotion for way too long, for the ones who dream of something more meaningful and just don’t know how to go for it.
Staying where you don’t belong causes depression, stress and anxiety. Feeling powerless to change your life is the definition of suffering.
You spend 90,000 hours at work. Let’s not waste them.
It’s time to move on and up.
Learn how this Saturday morning.
Sign up below.