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Place your cosmic order. (The Siren way.)

Place your cosmic order. (The Siren way.)

Merry Happy New Year’s Eve!

It’s time to place your order with the universe.

But first: 
Let’s talk about what we’re NOT doing. 
We’re not spending hours manifesting. 
We’re not making endless lists. 
We’re not overcomplicating our magic.

Because here’s the truth about transformation:
It happens in the depths. 
In the quiet. 
In the water. 
Where your power lives.

Here’s your ritual:
December 31st, morning. 
Two glasses of water. 
That’s it.

Glass One: Write down 3 things you’re leaving behind. 
(You know exactly what they are.)

Glass Two: Write down 3 things you’re ordering for 2025. 
(Trust the first answers that arise.)

Before midnight: Pour out what you’re releasing. 
Let it flow away.
Let it go.

Leave your cosmic order glass out overnight.
Let it collect stars. 
Let it gather magic.

January 1st morning: 
Drink your desires. 
Let them become you.

This is prayer. 
This is power. 
This is the way of water. 
This is the way of Sirens.

Make it real
Reply here and tell me what you’re calling in.
Declare it.
Speak your orders. 
Let the people you love witness your becoming.

See the magic in motion: [Quick Splash]  [Dive in Deeper]

With fire + water,

P.S. The universe loves clarity. Make those 3 things count.
P.P.S I’d love to hear what you’re ready for in 2025. Book a strategy call and let’s figure out how you’re going to get it.