I bet you did a million things this week. Same here.
We are so good at doing, aren’t we?
This note is to help you DO like only you can – even better.
My biggest, most important, proven strategy for success will shock you. It will make you feel like you’re cheating. And it’s the escape hatch for the grind…for burnout, the hamster wheel, those moments when you say “I’m just trying to keep my head above water”.
It’s what sets apart the doers and the leaders.
C E L E B R A T I O N.
When you stop to acknowledge even the tiniest moves you make, you advance to the next level. New neural pathways are formed, new beliefs come into being and you are upgraded from the inside out.
Picture this: you reach goal, do a cool thing and you stop in your tracks to note it. Maybe you write it down, make a plan to share it with someone you love over dinner or just have a simple happy dance. Big or small, it doesn’t matter. You signaled your entire nervous system that you are capable of cool.
Your nervous system resets with new codes and you are flooded with a sense of worth and pleasure. Now you are juiced for the next thing on your list. You have appropriate amounts of energy to meet your next challenge. Bonus: if someone you love also participates and helps you see yourself with wonder and apprecation.
This is not a common high performance technique. It is not something we are taught to give ourselves. AND it is an essential human need. It is the greatest secret to success in all areas of life.
You have one wild and precious life. String together as many moments of celebration as you possibly can.
A client once said, “Cherie I feel like you’re asking me to get off the bus. Someone else will surely take my seat.” I told her, “Yes, we’re getting off the goddamn bus. We’re building an invisible wonder woman jet.” She went from Manager to CMO in a blink.
To doing things differently.
Let me know how you celebrate you, this weekend.
(I live for this stuff and I read every response)